Groups dotted around the country working together with a shared vision can have real impact. With a believe that outdoor adventures boost well-being, increase confidence and help protect our planet through better connections to nature, Love Her Wild (LHW) is a UK-based nonprofit women’s adventure community.
Over in Essex, Jaine wanted to get involved and undertake some volunteer training and assessment sessions for lowland leader (outdoor first aid) and NNAS silver navigation qualifications.
“As the group’s volunteer I currently lead local hikes and teach beginners map reading in familiar settings to a level within my 'self taught' comfort zone. The aim was to increase skills and knowledge as a leader to diversify the range of events, skill sharing and teaching, all to remain free of charge to aid inclusivity and empowering more women to engage with the outdoors and within a social setting.”
She applied to the Alpkit Foundation for some support towards her journey on becoming a qualified Hike leader. We could see the passion of those involved at Lover Her Wild and the impact they’re having across the country with their adventures. So we were delighted to help support Jaine on her way by providing a grant towards her Lowland Leader training weekend.
The local LHW groups often attend or try to assist neighbouring groups for events and skill sharing. All groups are for women only or those who identify as female and the aim is to keep the walk events and map reading being run for free. Providing volunteer led sessions and having shared group kit helps to make activities accessible to as many women as possible, regardless of income, experience and access to kit.
“Currently the Essex group, newly established in 2020, has 340+ members and growing steadily. With members in the neighbouring county LHW groups including London, at over 2,000 members. The training now adds focus on improving access to those members with disabilities of which we have within our group, but currently struggle to install confidence in them to engage with others outside.”
This was the first part of three sections of training and assessment. So we wish her all the best on those next steps towards Outdoor first Aid and the assessment for the qualification, from which she can go on to share her training and knowledge as she volunteers at events for her local group.
Find out more about Love Her Wild