Sponsorship and Marketing

We’ve been sponsoring people to go nice places, do good things since the early days. It properly fills us to the brim with outdoorsy joy to see people doing cool stuff with our kit: dragging it up mountains, down rivers and over the edge of the horizon.

Go Nice Places, Do Good Things

If what you’re doing inspires us to start planning our next trip and get us out the door then it’ll probably get our customers excited about all the cool things they can do with our kit too. We help you go nice places, do good things, and you help inspire our customers to do the same – it’s pretty simple really.

But you can give us a hand too. The people we sponsor often test prototypes through a season of hard use and help our Design team refine our products. We often get approached to make custom designs for trips too – something we can do fairly rapidly with our UK factory team’s expertise. If we think there’s demand, a lot of these custom builds end up as products on general sale.

Do you wanna be in our gang?

And are you Alpkitty enough to join us? We’re not necessarily interested in the toughest or the longest challenges (although that gets us pretty fired up too), you might just be on the hunt for pure and simple Type 1 fun.

Maybe you’re looking for sponsorship for a race, event or adventure sports festival. Maybe you’re mishing and mashing the different activities we love into something entirely new. Anything that gets our outdoorsy neurons firing with possibilities is something we want to hear about.

You don’t have to be the world’s best blog writer or photographer (we’ve got keyboard and photoshop monkeys who can polish that up), but we do want to see and hear what you’re up to so we can share it with the Alpkit family. Maybe you make really snappy short films or absorbing podcasts. However you choose to tell them, we want to hear your stories.

Getting Col and Sam's attention

There are no applications, clauses or small print here – the only contract is a mutual enthusiasm for fun and adventure in the great outdoors. Tell us what you’ve been up to, what you are up to and what you’re planning. Tell us how you can push our gear to its limit.

We’re people people: we don’t like mass emails; we like swapping tales over a steaming pot of coffee. The only interview you’ll have to pass is getting Col to grin from ear to ear or filling Sam’s brain full of questions.

Contact us by email at sponsorship@alpkit.com

Other ways we can support you

Do you need support for some community action, a charity or an environmental cause that helps to support spending time in the outdoors? We donate 1% of every sale, plus the proceeds from events like the Big Shakeout festival to the Alpkit Foundation, an independent charity that supports a wide range of causes.

Head over to the Alpkit Foundation website where you can make an application for funding.