Sonder Riders

It's a heartfelt privilege and joy to work with our select gang of Sonder Riders. As well as being friends, they help us with product design by pushing our bikes, components and cycle clothing to its limit. And they inspire us all with their daring deeds, trail tales and fresh experience of living life outdoors. So here's to our Sonder Riders and their stories.

Cyclist, Runner, Olympian

Emma Pooley

Sonder Rider and Alpkiteer

Stu Taylor


Pete McNeil

Sonder Rider and Alpkiteer

Neil Cottam

British Champion and Sonder Rider

Harvey Rollason

Mountainbike Guide and Sonder Rider

Lucy Allan

Trans-Continental Explorer and Sonder Rider

Saoirse Pottie

Adventurer, Author, Blogger

Alastair Humphreys

Gravel Racer and Sustainability Officer

Travis Bramley