Saoirse Pottie

Trans-Continental Explorer and Sonder Rider

Saoirse Pottie

Sonder Rider

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Continental crosser, wildlife lover and gravel bike whisperer based in the UK. Saoirse is an Irish Lass that loves to explore new trails in new places. If she's not outriding along a gravel track somewhere in the UK, then she's probably riding a different track somewhere else in the world.

Saoirse's most recent venture saw her cycle through Africa, from Cape Town to Rwanda, crossing 10 countries over 5 months, covering 7000km. The idea for the tripwas born after a year of working in Mozambique. Her heart was stolen by the people and the rich sense of community woven in to day to day life. The wildlife, landscapes and people filled her with the desire to explore more, and she was met with just that throughout the whole Journey through Africa.

We are chuffed to have Saoirse joining the crew and can't wait to see what she gets up to onboard her Camino!