Anna Wells completes winter Munro round

Anna Wells completes winter Munro round

By Col Stocker

Straight up, a huge congratulations to Anna for completing her winter Munro round. Back in December Anna set off to complete all 282 Munro's and it has been an amazing journey to follow and stunning achievement. The final ascent greeted her with 87 mph winds, encapsulating a whole heap of things about this challenge over the last months, not least unwavering determination, heaps of positivity and one big smile.

Reaching the summit of Cairngorm on the 13th March she became the 4th person to complete the round and 1st woman, matching the 83 day record set by Martin Moran when he became first person to complete this round back in 1984/85 winter season.Anna Wells Winter munro round

It was also truly heartwarming to see the support she received by so many hardy companions on that last Munro, not just reflecting the company she's received on and off through those 282 Munro's, but the inspiration people have taken from following her journey.

We are so pleased for her. As she wrote on her socials.

"It's hard to write this post, partly because I can't accept it's over and partly because I haven't got a clue what to say!!! The finale on Cairngorm was everything I dreamed it could be; wonderful, wonderful people coming to support and share the moment, beautiful sunny weather, but craaaazy wind to keep it authentic until the end!! Some people even travelled far just to meet in the carpark or for a drink after and I am so touched! I feel utterly overwhelmed by the messages I have received overnight (and throughout the whole round!!) I genuinely just feel so so lucky and privileged to have been able to spend three months doing what i love, and i feel so happy when people say it's inspired them to get out!"

Anna Wells Winter munro round

Setting out to complete the round within the astronomical winter season, running from December 22nd to March 20th, she came in 7 days under. The mountains threw everything at her with all the weathers they could muster, from glorious bluebird skies and knee deep snow to whiteouts, heavy rain and battering winds. It really has been massively inspiring, skirting illness and injury it's a demonstration of planning, determination and pure passion for being out in the mountains.

"I've had the absolute best time zooming around in the mountains and I'm immensely grateful for all the love and support that made it possible! Thank you thank you thank you a million times over to everyone who has been part of the journey; whether it was simply liking a post on Instagram, sending a message, feeding me dinner, giving me a lift , offering me a bed, giving me route-planning advice, sharing a day on the hills... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"

Well done Anna, you're incredible! A true Alpkiteer. All for one and one for all. #goniceplacesdogoodthings

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