Saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon 2019
After the success of the 2018 event we will be returning to support the 2019 Saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon (SLMM).
The SLMM is a classic two-day mountain navigation competition (or race) that is held annually in the Lake District for pairs and experienced solo entrants. The event comprises 7 courses for pairs of runners, with 2 couses for experienced solo competitors too. The first day finishes at a mid-way campsite. Competitors must carry the lightweight camping and safety equipment listed in the rules. Competitors need to be competent in the use of map and compass in the mountains. Many checkpoints require accurate navigation, which is even more important in misty conditions.
We are once again supportinhg subsidised entries for under 25's and working with the organisers to hep deliver another fantastic event, (though we cant promise the same weather as 2018).
The 2018 event took place in the central Lake District from Grasmere in incredible sunny and hot conditions.
The 2019 event will take place on 6th/7th July 2019 and the organisers have made the decision to announce the location now. The 2019 event will be in the Howgills.
If you need some advice to which is the best course for you there is some great advice on the SLMM website
Keep an eye out for further announcements and hints and tips about this exciting event, we hope to see and meet many Alpkit fans on the start line.
ENTRIES GO LIVE SATURDAY 1st DECEMBER- As usual, the exact location of the event will be announced a few weeks before race day.