As autumn arrives, swap your summer running gear for tights and gloves. Katie embraces cold weather runs, finding them to be the most memorable, offering quieter trails and vibrant landscapes.
It's that time of year again when, with a wistful sigh, I move the hot weather running kit into the back of the wardrobe and start dusting off the tights and gloves. It was hard not to think that 'Summer' had barely happened this year and for a while, the thought of months of (even) colder and wetter weather stretching out felt a bit disheartening. All I could think of was relentless mud, damp, stinky running shoes and the uncomfortable transition from warm house to outdoor cold at the start of every outing. I was thinking those precise thoughts last weekend, whilst stood shivering in my kit on the doorstep on the first properly cold run of the season.
Then I gave myself a stern talking to and just set off. As I'm sure you can guess, it was way less extreme outside than imagined and took no longer than 3 minutes to feel really quite comfortable. It's just a mind game but it's always tough when you're getting used to the new season's temperature-based motivational challenges.

The funny thing is, as soon as I was suitably warmed up, it wasn't just tolerable, it felt special. There's something inherently satisfying about raising your heart-rate (and core temperature) outside on a cold day and then getting a second helping of the feel-goods when you get back to a cosy house and hot drink. The Norwegians call it 'Friluftsliv' which translates as 'free air life' but refers to the notion of earning your relaxation by spending time in nature and the elements. The more bracing those elements, the better you feel afterwards. If you can weather the storms in company (basically, get wet and cold with a friend), so much the better for the feeling afterwards. According to the Norwegians, everything from the taste of your lunch to the feel of the cushions on your sofa will seem better after you've managed to get outside for a blast of seasonal exercise.
Flicking through my 'running' photo album on my ipad the other day, I was struck by how many of the best pictures were taken in Autumn and Winter. Sometimes it was the golden sunshine and orange leaves, sometimes the cloud inversions and frosted, white ground. The way people's brightly-coloured kit looked so vibrant against the pale, low Winter sunlight. But before I get carried away with the poetic descriptions, yes it was definitely also the knowledge that sometime not too long after the picture was taken, we were cosied up in a pub enjoying a late lunch or hot chocolate.
The trails are also quieter and it's much easier to park than in the busy Summer months when the better weather draws bigger crowds. So don't write off your outdoor adventures just because Summer's over.
The best may well be yet to come.
Women's Trail Run Clothing