3 Lakes Challenge video paraplegic kayaker in Broken Body of Water

3 Lakes Challenge video paraplegic kayaker in Broken Body of Water

By Col

Broken Body of Water is the story of Andy Sutton, the first paraplegic kayaker to complete the 3 Lakes Challenge

Back in 2018 Andy Sutton took on the 3 Lakes challenge,a ‘Go-Canoeing’ initiative which has become a renowned test of endurance and stamina that takes on the three longest lakes in Scotland,England and Wales all within 48 hours.What made Andy's attemptso exceptional was that he was looking to becomethe first paraplegic kayaker to complete it. Andy was first diagnosed in 2002 with aspinal cord tumour, then in 2017 he found that it was progressingand had become inoperable.This set the plans in motion as Andy not only wanted to complete this beforenot being able to kayak anymore, but alongside British Canoeing wanted todocument it so that it could be an inspiration to others.

"The motivation being to raise awareness of disability paddling, to inspire spinal cord injured people to try something like kayaking as a means of improving their well being and raise funds for the PoleStar MRI Unit at Queens Medical Centre where I'm treated"

You can find out more about Andy and this challenge over at Broken Body of Water

It was amazing to watch the finalfilm, not just a personal, moving look at the drive and determination to take it on, butalso one that aims to inspire and celebrate what can be acheived in disability water sports. It wasa real honour for the Alpkit Foundation to be able to help a little towards Andy's amazing acheivement and have it recorded on film to hopefully inspire others. We certainly feel that this deserves to go a long way to help raise the profile of disability watersports, so watch and share away!

Broken Body of Water from Grow Motion on Vimeo.

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